Battersea Untangled
Stay Up-to-Date With us!
We’re Growing!
We’re looking to grow our team of local volunteers.
If you have some extra time on your hands and want to help us:
Keep up to date on planning applications
Organise community events
Update our website
Represent the local community at stakeholder meetings,
Or, if you’d be happy to be contacted sporadically when we need extra hands,
Please do get in touch through the form below! We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
The Battersea Design and Technology Quarter
The Battersea Design and Technology Quarter (BDTQ) is a Wandsworth Council initiative to establish a "creative quarter” in terms of work and industry.
The BDTQ will link; Havelock Terrace, Ingate Place and Silverthorne Road, which have been ignored by the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea (VNEB) Opportunity Area Plan.
We support the intent of the BDTQ, but it requires collective input.
We feel there are significant shortcomings stemming from a lack of engagement with the appropriate stakeholders, including the local community.
It is our stance that any new development must; benefit the local community, be guided by good design, be founded in principles of sustainability and create new open space to link our severed community.
You can read more about the BDTQ here:
And don’t forget to get in touch and get involved!
The BDTQ: A Timeline
The footprint of the BDTQ sits within a complex system of rail lines built in the mid-19th century by competing rail companies racing to outdo one another. The result is the Tangle which we life with today.
Today the site plays a passive support role in Battersea’s dwindling industrial heritage. The potential for the space to be utilised in an active and intentional way, in order to merge the past with the future, is waiting to be tapped into.
As we consider a post pandemic way of life, the site offers a way to focus on locally produced goods and services set within an all-inclusive community for people to meet, greet and gather.
Our Concerns Regarding the BDTQ:
Lack of community engagement.
Lack of a coherent vision amongst stakeholders for the future of the area.
Key aspects of accessibility and traffic flow have not been thoroughly explored.
Insensitive integration with Silverthorne Rd and surrounding residential areas.
The current proposal is unclear and unspecific, leaving room for independent plans of action that undermine a cohesive vision for the future and minimise community benefit.
We believe these concerns can all be addressed, leading towards a future in which local residents and surrounding stake-holders will all benefit.
Our Considerations to Improve the BDTQ:
Engagement with the local community.
Increased inter-stakeholder communication.
More in-depth considerations for air and noise quality.
Production of a traffic management strategy.
Provide a coherent vision for place making and the creation of new, open spaces.
We advocate for and would like all stakeholders to participate in, creating cohesive and coherent strategy for the future of the BDTQ.
We want to hear from YOU!
What do you want to see from the BDTQ?
Do you have additional comments you’d like to incorporate? Questions you’d like to raise?