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Monthly Events
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Efficient Densification? Hidden opportunities for London's Regeneration
How can London efficiently densify?
Join the London Festival of Architecture on Tuesday June 14th from 6pm-9pm at the London School of Architecture to discuss the opportunities presented by forgotten parcels of industrial spaces, such as Stewarts Lane and the role sites like these play in a post pandemic London.
Run in celebration of the London Festival of Architecture, the discussion aims to uncover the opportunities industrial land presents for creating new, resilient, sustainable communities, using the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea (VNEB) opportunity area as a case study for the future of London's densification.
The VNEB has extended the Northern Line, relocated the American Embassy and put a swimming pool in the air. But as we await the final touches of the Battersea Power Station and the last of the overpriced residential buildings, there remains a strategic portion of the VNEB which has evaded attention. How can we best ACT?
Please join us for a spirited panel discussion on Stewarts Lane Rail Depot and the “forgotten corner” of the VNEB.
The panel talk will address:
- The role sites like these play in a post pandemic London
- How the BDTQ/Stewarts Lane can contribute to London’s economic recovery
- How Industrial spaces can forge a new approach to a circular economy
- How communities can contribute in shaping SIL spaces
– Neal Shasore (LSA)
– Dennis Austin (daab design) Moderator
– Holly Lewis, (We Made That)
– Steven Smith (Urban Narrative)
– Kevin McGinley (Network Rail)
- Jacob Wilson (Be First)
Local Community Meeting (Virtual)
We’re looking forward to getting together for our second virtual meeting. We will be talking about Battersea Untangled, how you can get involved, and answering any questions on the BDTQ as a whole!

Community Meeting (Virtual)
Join us for our first community convening!
Say a virtual ‘hello’ to your neighbours and be introduced to the BDTQ Scheme, current planning applications, and hear more about what’s to come.
Sign Up Below:

Battersea Studios Revised Planning Application 2021/0641 Open for Comments
Submit your additional comments on the revised planning application.
Zoom Meeting between Community Representatives and Deloitte
Local community members met via Zoom with representatives from Deloitte to discuss revisions to the planning application since the last meeting.
Meeting Between Community Representatives and Deloitte
Local Councillor Aydin Dikerdem and 4 local community members met with Deloitte at Battersea Studios site.
Battersea Studios Original Planning Application 2021/0641 Submitted to Council
Original Application submitted and open to public comments.