Planning Application Withdrawn

Battersea Studios Development

Planning Case No.  2021/0641


Planning Application Withdrawn

Specifics of Planning Case No.  2021/0641

In November 2021, Schroders Real Estate Fund withdrew their planning application for planning case no. 2021/0641, prior to Wandsworth Council’s decision regarding the application.

The application was originally submitted to the Council in Mid-March 2021 regarding the future for Battersea Studios 3 and surrounding facilities. At the end of the initial comment period, a total of 126 comments were submitted by the local community. 122 Objections to the proposal, 4 General Comments.

The original application requested planning permission for:

Demolition of existing two storey plant and telecommunications structure and redevelopment of part of the site to provide a 10 storey building (40.9 metres), plus basement, comprising 512 sqm light industrial use (Class E) at ground floor, 5,057.5 sqm flexible office floorspace to the 9 upper floors (Class E) and ancillary facilities, including a communal roof terrace. Erection of roof extension to existing two storey television studio building (BS1) to create an energy centre serving the existing and proposed buildings and the installation of new plant. The erection of a single storey building comprising a substation, switch room, waste storage and waste compactor. Alterations to existing plant serving an existing five storey building (BS2). Cycle parking, disabled car parking space and public realm improvements, including landscaping and alterations to pedestrian and cycle access.

We note that while the planning permission has been withdrawn, this does not prevent the applicant from resubmitting the application, or an updated/different application at a later date. Battersea Untangled endeavours to keep you updated on this and any other planning applications coming into the area.


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